July 1st through Nov 22nd
Unlike any other visual format, large-screen films connect viewers with some of the world's wildest
and most inaccessible places while simultaneously entertaining and educating them in unique and unforgettable ways.
In Wolves, viewers literally soar over some of North America's most beautiful wilderness, which was once, and is now again,
natural habitat to the greatest of North America's predators. But most importantly, Wolves offers hope and inspiration, a
look at the good that people can do when they care enough to correct some of the mistakes that threaten the health of the
natural world.
Wolves tells the remarkable story of one of the world's most tenacious species and our closest fellow predator. During eight
months of filming that produced over 28 miles of film footage, the seven-man production crew of Wolves, led by award winning
director David Douglas, followed their elusive subjects across remote landscapes in an effort to have their camera catch
glimpses of a way of life known only to a handful of scientists.
The resulting story proves that wolves are making a comeback, not only physically through recovery project efforts across the
continent, but also in changing attitudes around the planet.